Thursday, 14 February 2013

Some Tips for improving Website Design

With websites occupying every nooks and corners of the World Wide Web, it has become the priority of the web designer to keep the website to set it apart from the rest of the crowd. Most websites these days are business oriented website. Any website which slows down or lags behind can detrimental for the business. This blog article takes up some of tips which help in improving your website design.

A quality web host is a must

For speeding up your email, it is better to hire a quality webhost for a few extra dollars per month. The configurations of the host always provide better service. On the other hand the servers would be able to handle heavy traffics.

Expire Header usage

Using the Expire Header give you the information about when the content is going to expire and requested for the use. Rather than pulled from the cache. A cached version of the page helps in quick loading.

Images should be optimised

Web designer should always keep in mind compression and optimisation of the image is necessary for the wellness of the site. For the loading of the page to speed up it is better to use lesser of images. Uploading smaller size images compared to bigger ones is quintessential for the loading of the page.

Use of Compression Components

Tools are available online for the compression of the page. These tools help in compression of the pages by 70%. All the elements in web design if compressed will help in opening of the website much faster.

Tweaking and tuning with some of the elements of the web design would help in speeding up the process of the website and attract more visitors. If you want more information on website design you can always ask website design Sydney based company.


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