Thursday, 12 July 2012

Creating a Great Mobile Website Design

Many a website design is unsuitable for viewing in mobile phones. This is due to bad usability testing and wrong implementations in design. An excess of such faults lead to visitors distrusting this functionality of websites. The following article discusses the ways to avoid exactly this kind of pitfalls.

A typical website developer Sydney Company invests time and talent to create a great mobile interface. To do that, the first thing is to try to understand what users want. There should be some type of connection between user and designer. The preference of the user should be kept in mind while creating the mobile interface. If you are unsure about what users want, do a survey. You should get a good idea about the areas and design elements users are most attracted to. Only after that you can move to the next step.

In mobile website design, minimalism is the key. Keeping things minimal is the most elegant and effective solution. A design should be made with usability in mind and overcrowded designs do not make the grade. A simple mobile design is preferred over one that is saturated with designs.  A mobile website developer should keep in mind that a “heavy” site takes a lot more time to download.

The mobile website design should be such that overall accessibility can be maintained. The key to this is the minimal effort done by the user to flit through the interface. The user should focus on the content. Filling out long forms is a complete no-no in a mobile screen. The content should also be easily understandable. The software should detect particular screen resolutions and change itself accordingly. Efforts should be made to provide information via color. It is a compelling manner to provide information without additional spacing. A contrast should be between the background color and text.

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